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Home : Recovering a Lost Rhinoback Password
Q10136 - HOWTO: Recovering a Lost Rhinoback Password

Recovering a Lost Rhinoback Password

This article contains some very important information regarding lost passwords and encrypting keys. Rhinoback is a high-security online backup system and uses strong encryption to protect your data. If you have lost your password, please take the time to read this article to ensure that you will be able to restore your backup files when needed.

Hashed Passwords

Rhinoback does not store your password, ever! Your password only exist in hashed (scrambled) form on the Rhinoback system. If you cannot remember your password, then you can follow the link below to have your hashed password emailed to the email address associated with your Rhinoback account. The hashed form of your password is NOT the same as your original password.

What you can do with your hashed password

Your hashed password can be used to login to the a Backup Management Console and manage your backup settings and data stored at the Rhinoback offsite storage facilities.

Your hashed password can be used to login to the Rhinoback Manager software that is installed on your local computer.

What you cannot do with your hashed password

IMPORTANT! Your hashed password cannot be used to decrypt data. This is extremely important. When your backup sets were created; if you allowed the encrypting key to default to your password, then you will not be able to restore and decrypt your backup data without the original password.

What to do after you receive your hashed password

Once you have received your hashed password, you are strongly advised to change your password to something that you can remember. You can use your hashed password to login to the Rhinoback Manager software that is installed on your computer, and then select User Profile and then change your password.

If your encrypting key was originally set to default to your password, then you will not be able to restore and decyrpt data without your original password. If your encrypting key was set to something other than your password when the backup set was created and you have the encrypting key, then you can continue to use your existing backup sets and restore and decrypt data as needed with your key.

What to do if you do not have your encrypting key

Without your encrypting key, you will not be able to restore and decrypt data. Once you have received your hashed password, you may be able to find your encrypting key in the Rhinoback Manager softeare that was previously installed on your local computer. Login to the Rhinoback Manager software, select your backup set, and then select Encryption. Uncheck the checkbox labled Mask Encryption Key. You are strongly advised to test your restore ability by restoring a few files. If you cannot restore or decrypt your files, then you will need to delete your existing backup sets and create new backup sets, specifying encrypting keys that can remember. After creating new backup sets, backup your important files as soon as possible.

Click here to request your hashed password

Please see the following Rhinoback Knowledgebase articles for additional related information:

Related Articles
Q10038 - FAQ: I have lost my encryption key, can you send it to me?
Q10073 - HOWTO: Using strong passwords and encryption keys to secure your data
Q10081 - INFO: Encrypting Keys and Passwords
Q10116 - HOWTO: Recovering a Forgotten Password

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Created on 11/2/2007.
Last Modified on 11/26/2007.
Last Modified by support.
Skill Level: Beginner.
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