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Home : Using strong passwords and encryption keys to secure your data
Q10073 - HOWTO: Using strong passwords and encryption keys to secure your data

Using Strong Passwords and Encryption Keys to Secure Your Data

Rhinoback provides a high level of security for your data through advanced encryption algorithms.  Only you or someone who knows your encryption key can access your data.  Even employees and engineers at Rhinoback cannot see the contents of your backup data.   Rhinoback allows you to set your own password, and you can also set your own encryption key for each backup set.  You may choose to let your encryption key default to your password.  In any case, your data is only as safe as the password and encryption keys that you set.  Weak passwords or encryption keys may be guessed or compromised by a hacker.

Follow these guidelines to create strong passwords and encryption keys that will ensure that your data cannot be decrypted by anyone but you:

  1. Select long passwords; 8 characters or more, longer is better.
  2. Mix upper and lower case letters
  3. Use numbers as well as letters
  4. Use symbols
  5. Avoid using names or numbers that are associated with you; i.e. address, telephone number, first name, last name, dog's name
  6. Avoid using words from the dictionary
  7. Avoid sequences or repeated patterns; i.e. 1234, abcedef, aaaaaa
  8. Avoid using your login name as part of your password
  9. Avoid using the same password on other sites and systems
  10. Avoid using common replacements for letters with numbers or symbols; i.e. replacing an i with a 1 or an s with a $

Try to use all of the above guidelines to make your password as strong as possible.

Rhinoback allows you to change your password as often as you want to.  Your password should be changed if you think it may have been compromised.  However, you cannot change your encryption key as easily.  Your backup data is already encrypted using your encryption key.  The only way to change your encryption key is to create a new backup set and backup your files again. 


Related Articles
Q10059 - FAQ: How can I be sure that my data will not fall in the wrong hands?
Q10062 - FAQ: What is an encyrption key?

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Related External Links
Microsoft Password Checker
Another password strength checker
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Created on 4/7/2007.
Last Modified on 6/13/2008.
Last Modified by support.
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