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Home : Technical : CExRestore::restoreInstance:HrESERestoreComplete: Error Number 0xc7ff1004: (null)
Q10209 - ERRMSG: CExRestore::restoreInstance:HrESERestoreComplete: Error Number 0xc7ff1004: (null)

CExRestore::restoreInstance:HrESERestoreComplete: Error Number 0xc7ff1004: (null)

After successfully downloading an Exchange backup from the Rhinoback Online Backup system one of the following utilities is executed to move the dowloaded database and logfiles to the Microsoft Exchange Information Store:

  • ExRestore2k7 (Exchange 2007)
  • ExRestorex64 (Exchange 2003 or Exchange 2007, 64bit)
  • ExRestore      (Exchange 2000 or Exchange 2003, 32bit)

The transaction log files that are restored with the database must be applied in sequence.  If one or more of the log files are missing from the sequence then the following errors are produced after the utility begins applying the transaction logs:

[Error] CExRestore::restoreInstance:HrESERestoreComplete: Error Number 0xc7ff1004: (null)

Event ID: 904 Source ESE Backup may also be found in the application event log. The full text of the error is:

Information Store (380) Callback function call ErrESECBRestoreComplete ended with error 0xC8000713 Unable to find the file.

Event ID: 9638: Source MSExchangeIS may also be found in the application event log. The full text of the error is:

Function 'ErrESECBRestoreComplete' failed with error 0xc8000713.


Use Eseutil to determine which transaction logs are needed to properly recover the database.  See the example below:

ESEUTIL /MH "Mailbox Database.edb"

Locate the line similar to:  "Log Required: 268983-269002 (0x41ab7-0x41aca)"

From the above example; you will need to make sure the log files named E0000041AB7.log through E0000041ACA.log are present in the download location.  All of the log files in that sequence, in this case 20 files, must be present.  Additional log files can be present as long as their are no logfiles missing in the sequence incrementing in hexidecimal.




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Created on 5/7/2009.
Last Modified on 5/7/2009.
Last Modified by support.
Skill Level: Advanced.
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