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Home : Technical : Decrypting Files
Q10202 - HOWTO: Decrypting Files

Decrypting Files


All files that are stored on the Rhinoback storage systems are encrypted using an encryption key that is only known by the customer.  If a customer has a large amount of data backed up and then has a major loss of data, then it can be faster to ask Rhinoback to offload the data onto a portable disk drive and ship it via overnight courier.  Since Rhinoback only stores encrypted data and does not have the ability to decrypt the data, the data can only be shipped to the customer in encrypted form.  This also protects against any cases where the portable disk drive is stolen or intercepted before it reaches the customer.  The customer needs a way to decrypt the backup data once the portable drive or media arrives at their location.

Solution 1 - Decrypt files using the client Rhinoback Online Backup Manager software that is installed on the customers machine.  The same software that is installed on the computer that was backed up can be used to decrypt backup data from offline media.  If the software is not installed on the computer where you want to perform the restore, then download it from  You may be required to enter the encrypting key when you start the software.  If you are running Rhinoback Online Backup Manager version 5.2 or below you will find a "Decrypt Files Wizard" on the "Tools" menu.  If you are running Rhinoback Online Backup Manager Version 5.5 or above, the "Decrypt Files Wizard" is accessed from the lock icon in the lower left area of the screen.  Provide the information requested and your files will be decrypted to the specified location.

Soluton 2 - Use the Decrypt.bat script located in your Rhinoback "program files\bin" directory.  Locate the Decrypt.bat file, edit it with notepad or another text editor.  In the appropriate places within the Decrypt.bat file specify the location of the encrypted backup data, the location where you want the files restored to, the encrypting key, and the point in time you want restored.  After you have provided the required data in the Decrypt.bat file.  Execute Decrypt.bat and your data will be decrypted to the specified location.  Note: this method does not require internet connectivity or an active account on the Rhinoback system.


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Created on 3/27/2009.
Last Modified on 3/27/2009.
Last Modified by support.
Skill Level: Intermediate.
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