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Home : Billing : Why is my account suspended?
Q10203 - FAQ: Why is my account suspended?

Reasons an account may be suspended

Declined or expired credit card - The most common reason an account will be suspended is for non-payment.  If your credit card has expired or if your bank has declined your credit card, Rhino USA will suspend your account.  Note that before your account is suspended an email is sent to the email address associated with your account giving you at least 5 days notice.  Suspended accounts may be deleted if payment is not received.

Invoice over 30 days past due - For business accounts that are invoiced rather than billed by credit card, if the invoice is more than 30 days past due, the account is subject to being suspended until payment is received. 

Cancelled Account - If your account was cancelled, it will be suspended for a few prior to being deactivated. 

Suspended accounts are not deleted.  The data is retained as long as the account is in suspended status.  Suspended accounts can be reactivated and all backup data will remain intact.  If you believe your account was suspended incorrectly or if you want your account reactivated, please notify us as soon as possible.  Once your account is deleted, it may not be possible to reactivate your account or retrieve your backup data.

To have your account reactived or to inquire about the reason for suspension, please contact us immediately at:


call us 404-256-6800

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Open a ticket to reactivate your account
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Created on 3/31/2009.
Last Modified on 3/31/2009.
Last Modified by support.
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